Silence Your Inner Critic and Discover the Formula to Make you Feel Confident, Joyful, and Alive like Never Before

(shake off fear and false beliefs, love the skin you’re in, and create a life of freedom)

"The silence of the inner critic workshop was inspiring. My biggest take away was that I have the power to decide my thoughts and what kind of person I want to be."

- Vicky Olsen

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Imagine walking into a room and hearing someone talking about your best friend …

“She sure has gotten ugly. How has she put on so much weight?”

How would it feel to hear such cruel words directed at someone you love?

Every. Single. Day.

It’s the internal voice pushing us to pour our last drop of energy into the final stretch of a late-night project ... when our whole body is screaming for rest …

... the thought that comes up in full smashing force about what a lousy parent we are ...

.… or the voice whipping us for failing to “have it all together” so that we can have the loving relationship we desire.

The scary thing is we don’t even know where these voices come from.

I used to think these inner “pushers, smashers, and whippers” were the penance I had to pay to earn my way into worthiness, love and joy.

But with time I realized there was no bigger lie.

I’m here to show you how I went from constantly feeling insecure and unlovable … consistently feeling good about myself, worthy of joy, and ready to live a life true to who I am.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
"My business is now on a very steady incline because of Amber. If you need help understanding the money stuff in your business, work with Amber!"

- Kimra

"The Silence your inner critic was telling and gave me a clearer understanding of why I think and feel the way I do. The level of clarity I gained through Erin’s dynamite way of interpreting and delivering solutions was heartfelt, deep, & refreshing."

- Katherine Fratto

In this free 5-day workshop,
you’ll discover:
  • Why those inner voices bullying us into doing more, working harder and being “better” are NOT our fault … (and why ONLY WE have the power to stop them)
  • How to get to know our inner critics and silence them for good, so we can gain inner peace and expand into a life of wholeness and joy
  • Where the patterns that keep us stuck in self-doubt and toxic perfectionism come from, and how to break them once and for all
  • How to replace the smashing power of our inner critic with continuous flows of positive energy in order to make self-love our permanent state of being
"The Silence The Inner Critic Workshop was a week jam packed with practical methods to apply directly in my daily life. The coolest thing I learned was that we can befriend the negative aspects of ourselves and teach them what a safe space looks like and how they are no longer needed for our survival. "

- Nikki Harris

Join me for a 5-day live workshop, starting:

Date/Time: Sept. 20th at 5pm PST

Hosted By:

Dr. Erin Moore
Founder & CEO
We are the Ones

This FREE 5-Day Workshop is for moms (and future moms) who ...

  • ​Are done feeling inadequate, unlovable, and never “good enough”
  • Have grown tired of always putting themselves last
  • Are no longer willing to live small lives, hidden and bottled up in fear
  • Want to love themselves in a healthy and balanced way
  • Would like to restore authenticity and love in their relationships
About Dr. Erin

“I’m such a freakin' idiot!”

I’d said these words a thousand times ... yet something about the harsh tone in my voice stood out to me this time.

From that moment on, I noticed the condemning voice in my head more and more often ...

... so much so that I even gave her a name: Sharon.

Every time I happened to forget or lose things, Sharon would show up and tear me to pieces.

Over time, I began to realize Sharon’s voice wasn’t really mine.

It was my mother’s.

My healing journey meant making peace with the wounded little girl who’d always felt like she was never enough ...

That journey to wholeness changed my life forever.

During my years as a holistic counselor, I’ve worked with hundreds of women struggling just like I used to...

Which is why I finally decided to create a framework to help women break free of the lies they’ve been living in, silence their inner critics and cultivate self-love unconditionally.

If you’re ready to join them and fill your life with joy as a healed, self-loving woman ...

... then this workshop is for you.
"Without you [Erin] I would not have realized, while justified, the anger I was holding toward my sexual abuser had become a sense of my power. Through healing I now realize 'my power comes from within' and I have no need to be angry to wield it."

- Dianna Ross

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